the newsprint

A Reflection on One Year of Daily Journaling

Josh Ginter has journaled every single day for an entire year. He explains his process, along with some insights he's learned along the way:

What matters is that [journaling] has changed my life. Recording, recognizing, and signifying important events in the past year has improved my memory and my realism. Pushing the tidal waves of thought and emotion through the nib and onto paper has created a metaphorical bottleneck — my recorded thoughts now have structure, my daily doings now have amplified importance.

In typical Newsprint fashion, there are plenty of lovely photos to ogle while you read.

Josh Ginter's Review of the 2015 Hobonichi Planner

As I sit here twenty days into 2015, still struggling to think of ways to use my 2015 Hobonichi planner (a thoughtful gift from my buddy Shawn Blanc), Josh Ginter is out there making me feel bad about all the empty pages in the beautiful book next to me.

“I bought both my wife and I a Hobonichi Techo as a 2015 “resolution” gift. We both understood how busy our lives would become in 2015 and we wanted a simple way to stay on top of everything. A solid three weeks in, and my wife has boldly stated that she loves her Techo. It’s the perfect planner for her. And it’s the perfect planner for me as well.”

Great review with lovely photos.

Josh Gintner's Review of the Olympus E-M10

Though I consider Shawn's review of the Olympus E-M10 to be the canonical one—sure, I'm biased—I also enjoyed Josh Gintner's take on the camera.

“I was utterly amazed at the difficulty in finding an online review that documented the real aspects of buying and owning a camera. Every review talked about f-stops, ISO settings and RAW capabilities. All I wanted was a camera that could take pretty great photos on the spot without having to fiddle with four dials in the process.”

Josh's review clocks in at over 4,000 words and includes plenty of eye cand- er, sample photos. He really did his homework on this one.