
After Patrick Rhone linked to Cleartones over at Minimal Mac this morning, I realized that I have somehow never mentioned them here on Unretrofied. I aim to rectify that right now.

Cleartones is a set of beautiful, minimal ringtones and alert tones for iPhone and Android that were created by sound designer Hugo Verweij, who also runs the wonderful Everyday Listening blog.

I've purchased both the original and "organic" sets, and just before Christmas, Hugo was nice enough to release six extra tones recorded by a concert harpist, exclusively for existing Cleartones customers as a thank-you gift.

The pricing works this way:

  • $10 for the ringtones pack from either set.
  • $10 for the alert tones pack from either set.
  • $17 for the ringtones and alert tones combo pack from either set.
  • $30 for the entire collection of tones from both sets.

Alternatively, you can "pay with a tweet" for either set to receive two ringtones and two notification tones. This is a brilliant move on Hugo's part, allowing you to try out the product in exchange for a little free advertising.

I highly recommend these tones, and hope you'll check them out. I'm sure you'll like them too.